But investigations in Eastern Congo reported by these authors over the past six months indicate that USAID “conservation” funds—millions of taxpayer’s dollars—have been misappropriated, misdirected, and have disappeared. Evidence suggests that ongoing guerrilla warfare in Central Africa has and is continuing to receive clandestine financial support in AID-for-ARMS type financial transfers. Gorilla rangers are outfitted with well-oiled machine guns, courtesy of fundraising campaigns by conservation organizations..."
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Are USAID Funds Being Used for Covert Operations in Central Africa?
But investigations in Eastern Congo reported by these authors over the past six months indicate that USAID “conservation” funds—millions of taxpayer’s dollars—have been misappropriated, misdirected, and have disappeared. Evidence suggests that ongoing guerrilla warfare in Central Africa has and is continuing to receive clandestine financial support in AID-for-ARMS type financial transfers. Gorilla rangers are outfitted with well-oiled machine guns, courtesy of fundraising campaigns by conservation organizations..."
Posted by
7:58 PM
Current Foreclosure Crisis Deemed Worst in U.S. History
According to the most recent foreclosure numbers released by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), the U.S. is embroiled in the worst foreclosure crisis in recorded history. More than 14 percent of subprime borrowers are defaulting, and prime borrowers are beginning to follow suit.
MBA Report Summary
- The foreclosure rate recorded in the last quarter has increased beyond the highest point seen in the history of the MBA survey, which dates back to 1953.
- 14.82 percent of subprime borrowers are currently behind on their home loans.
- The highest percentage of foreclosures are on homes with 2/28 adjustable rate mortgages.
- In states with severe foreclosure issues, like Michigan, one in every 100 homes is in some stage of foreclosure.
Posted by
7:54 PM
The End Game
If humans are a virus upon the earth, as we are increasingly being told to believe by cultural and academic kingpins, then what else can the end game be other than a deliberately coordinated policy of mass population reduction?
From the teachings of "Dr Death" Eric Pianka , to German film fest cartoons , to New York Times best selling books , we are being saturated with the idea that humanity itself must be culled in order to save mother earth.
The eugenics movement never went away, it simply re-packaged itself to be more palatable to an increasingly skeptical public and its primary camouflage now fronts as the global warming doomsday cult... [ full article ]
Posted by
4:43 PM
Arthur Hoppe: The Mightiest Nation
Once upon a time there was a country that was very small and, on the whole, very good.
Its citizens were proud and independent and self-reliant and generally prosperous. They believed in freedom and justice and equality. But, above all, they had faith. They had faith in their religion, their leaders, their country and themselves.
And, of course, they were ambitious. Being proud of their country, they wanted to make it bigger. First they conquered the savage tribes that hemmed them in. Then they fought innumerable wars on land and sea with foreign powers to the east and west and south. They won almost all the battles they fought and conquered foreign lands.
It took many generations, but at last the good, little country was the richest, mightiest nation in the whole, wide world -- admired, respected, envied and feared by one and all.
``We must remain the mightiest nation,'' said its leaders, ``so that we can insure universal peace and make everyone as prosperous and decent and civilized as we are.''
At first, the mightiest nation was as good as its word. It constructed highways and buildings and pipelines and hygienic facilities all over the world. And for awhile, it even kept the peace.
But being the mightiest nation in the world, its leader was the mightiest man in the world. And, naturally, he acted like it.
He surrounded himself with a palace guard of men chosen solely for their personal loyalty. He usurped the powers of the Senate, signing treaties, waging wars and spending public funds as he saw fit.
When little countries far away rebelled, he sent troops without so much as a by-your-leave. And the mightiest nation became engaged in a series of long, costly, inconclusive campaigns in far away lands. So some disillusioned soldiers refused to obey orders and some sailors mutinied, even though the leader raised their pay. And in some places the mightiest nation hired mercenaries to do its fighting.
And because it was the richest nation, it worshiped wealth and the things wealth bought. But the rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer through unfair tax laws. And in the capital 1 in 5 were idle and on welfare.
When the poor grumbled, they were entertained by highly paid athletes and the firing of expensive rockets into the air which sometimes fizzled. But the poor often rioted and looted and burned in their frustrated rage.
Many citizens lost faith in their old religion and turned to Oriental mysticism. And the young, wearing long hair and sandals, became Jesus freaks. Bare-breasted dancers, lewd shows and sex orgies were increasingly common. And the currency was debased again and again to meet the mounting debts.
Worst of all, the citizens came to learn their leaders were corrupt -- that the respected palace guard was selling favors to the rich and sending spies among the people, creating fear and distrust.
So it was that the people lost faith. They lost faith in their leaders, their currency, their rockets, their postal system, their armies, their religion, their laws, their moral values, their country and, eventually, themselves.
And, thus, in 476 A.D., Rome fell to the barbarians and the Dark Ages settled over Western civilization.
Moral. For what is a nation profited if it shall gain the whole world and lose its own soul.
(This column appeared in The Chronicle on May 27, 1973).
- Link -
Arthur Hoppe
Thursday, July 22, 1999
Posted by
12:46 PM
Earth's oldest trees
...The location of the oldest tree in the forest, "Methuselah", said to be over 5,000 years old, is kept secret in order to protect it. It follows an incident in 1964 when another tree, "Prometheus," was cut down by a geologist.
The fact that the trees date back several millennia have also enabled scientists to make significant improvements in the field of dendrochronology, or the study of tree rings.
Regarded as the most reliable measure of dating, where one tree ring corresponds to one year, it has allowed scientist to re-calibrate the common carbon dating scale known as "Carbon 14."
Several historical doctrines, such as the notion that all civilization began in ancient Mesopotamia, have been invalidated as a result of the improvements to the scale based on studies of the bristlecone... [ full article ]
Posted by
12:31 PM
Pravda 'opinion': US spy satellite downed in Peru as US nuclear attack on Iran thwarted
American spy satellite downed in Peru as US nuclear attack on Iran thwarted
Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a 'high ranking and significant' faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.
This can be further evidenced by this past few weeks unprecedented announcement by the United States Air Force that 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles were removed, without authorization, from their secure holding facility, located in North Dakota at the Minot Air Force Base, and flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, located in Louisiana, where they were left 'unattended' for 'nearly 10 hours'.
It is interesting to note, too, that Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was 'ordered' to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being 'transferred' under 'armed escort' to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first 'truce' between Americas War Leaders and its Military Forces was 'negotiated' by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs.
Though the rival American power blocs do seem to have maintained their uneasy truce, and which have, to date, prevented further attacks within the United States itself, these latest events, according to these reports, appear to show that this truce is now breaking down over threats and planning by the American War Leaders to attack Iran, and which Russia has warned would be 'catastrophic'.
What remains unknown to us, at this time, is what counter-planning [ read more ... ]
Posted by
11:36 AM
Shamanic anti-globalization propaganda
"...The most subtle forms of opposition are those which are not immediately recognisable as such, those which are aimed not at the waking awareness but the deep mind. the best example of this kind of Sorcery is the advertising media. its very banality lulls us into a false sense of security whilst the real message sneaks in unawares. To counter this, the politically-inspired magician must be equally, if not more, cunning. The least effort for maximum effect, using secret weapons - humour, superstition and chaos, to counteract stupidity and narrow-mindedness.
Assuming you have some kind of code or identifiable ideals, print them on a broadsheet and hand them out to local shoppers. You never know, someone may be illuminated by your words.
Such is the role of the shaman - to inject chaos into order and shatter reality for an instant - opening the gateway to liberation. in other words, be sneaky. Leave a false name, proclaim a new age of enlightenment, not to your friends, but to total strangers. Become a legend in your own lunchtime. Don't hang around to quibble, exit stage right! But most of all, don't get caught..."
Posted by
12:43 AM